The above picture was taken on June 16, 2012. Four 'summer-silly' youngsters smile for the camera. In the background you can see the Middle School that is only minutes away from where I live.
I was returning from my grocery shopping, around 9 pm. I saw these youngsters lazying around, chatting, throwing a ball, playing with their dog. At one point they all started to get on to this one bike, and I stopped to ask the regular question, 'May I take a picture?' Followed by, 'May I put this on my blog?'
They giggled, 'Sure'.
The picture was taken by my iphone, so I could not get very sophisticated with it. But in general it conveyed the mood. Long days of light, summer attire, no school, how could freedom not find its expression in what we all call 'silliness'.
'Summer silliness' only purpose is to keep young--- those who participate in it and those who witness it!!
As I walked away, this bike with four people on it, crawled towards me. I did not know who exactly was pushing the pedal, but one of them asked, 'What's the name of your blog?"
I told them, and stated that it might be a few days before I put the picture. But here I am only two days later putting the picture up, just in case, these kids who made me smile are looking for it.
The post is dedicated to all those who have learnt to truly relax......summer or not....