First published on June 23, 2017, here it is for you to enjoy. Since there is not going to be any celebration this year, due to Corona, let us revel in this June Wedding from three years ago, I wonder if the couple are happy parents now!!
The lucky couple that got selected to get married at Alsters Herrgård!!
Such famous and popular lines. Have heard them in so many movies and shows and poems and stories.
But here in Sweden, on Mid-Summer's day some localities allow for a formal June Wedding. Meaning the hopeful couples can put in their name, and there is a raffle and the couple selected then gets married while the band plays.
Today I attended one such wedding. Interestingly, the couple was a muslim couple. The prayers took place in arabic followed by Swedish and Norwegian dancing and singing.
A little girl on her first Mid-Summer with her gorgeous young mother!!
Maypole: The phallic symbol and the symbol of fertility!! Had a conversation with someone a few years ago, when I was told that Mid-Sommar is one of the few pre-christian celebrations that have survived the onslaught of Christianity. I personally think that it is because nature is so strong. How does one ignore 22 hr days or 7 hrs day for that matter. The stark difference makes us revere nature. Will write about it later sometime.
A young woman dressed in 'traditional swedish' outfit!! Notice the Herrgård in the background.
My Beautiful friend J, who I should thank for inviting me today. We had a great picnic!! She brought pasta salad, coffee, fruits and hot chocolate. I brought tea and fried rice. And well, she also brought me a whole plate of rasam and rice....great dinner!! I have been really enjoying time with her--long walk and complex conversations!! She's finishing her PhD in computer science!!
A young boy squatting on a sheep/or whatever that maybe---made of rope in the Herrgård!!
Oh, he was a darling!! I stopped him and his mother. Asked them for a photo. They were kind enough to let me take the picture. He would not give me a hug though. But alright-- His smile touched my heart and that was equal to a hug.
So, am just going to put pictures here, without much commentary, partly for time and partly because you just need to go over and over again ---over these pics to be able to smell the freshness in the air, hear the mild and melodious songs, but most importantly realize that this couple will probably get stopped by strangers who will say, 'Oh we attended your wedding' and it will always remain a memorable experience.
After all the city people leave the wedding party will simply enjoy a huge fiesta in the building.
The building you see behind is what is called Alsters Herrgård--Alster's Garden. The house belonged to a famous Swedish Poet, Gustafs Fröding!! Often exhibitions are held here...
I have been here several times, just a quiet walk around here is simply amazing. You can see some old pictures here (last pic)...and you can see the difference in this blog. And you may click here for other few pics at the Herrgård--Well, that is Sweden--from hell to heaven!! But truly winters have their own joy so I do not consider them hell.
Please enjoy. If you like them do leave comments!!
After the wedding the lucky couple walked behind the violin players....I could not get the picture of their first dance. I wish I had, but we were chatting with our very dear friend C, who is an american married to B, a Swede. But, here is a picture of B, in his usual bright smile and yellow jacket!!
B, who I met the first time I came to Sverige, for an interview. 'Watch the Polar Bears' he had said. Since then, I consider him and C, one of my closest friends here in this little town. They have one of the best selling books on Swedish, on amazon, please check it out here.