A Copenhagen Sunset: April 2013
But it is light--time, now in Scandinavia…and so Ljus-Tid!!
The light is returning. And for me, it is just as sad as when it is leaving. We get used to the coziness of the darkness---there are candles everywhere even during the day. And there is a quietness to mornings ---even after we can call them 'mornings.'
I am sorry I have not been able to write. As always I have a million half written blogs, but I need to look at them at least a few times to start over again.
My time since August has been very very stressful.
And so, instead of regular emails, I have started list servs. Where I send out a fun activity to friends for every week (from the course The Best Year of Your Life---Last year it was a whole course on 'Spirituality of Relationships' and here relationships meaning any…..Friends had appreciated it so much that started another email list, that is a fun, thoughtful activity every week…..
That is my way of keeping in touch….as I am increasingly dropping emailing on a regular basis. Even though, sometimes there is a gap of 3 weeks or more between the emails.
The last year my resolution was to reduce emailing--and stopping the clutter in my life. Much got organized in 2012. Also a year of great travel.
Some other things in 2013….but 2014..onward, a reevaluation of my friendships and relationships.
The good thing is that I always have people wanting to spend time with me. No matter which country I am in.
The reality is that time does not allow that. But more importantly a realization is to focus on the relationships that will last time, the ones that are both sided, and the ones that nurture.
This morning I was just thinking--that I am one of the those lucky ones, who has friendships and relationships from every part of my life….still in touch with those I was in kindergarten with, those in high school, those in undergraduate, graduate schools, all the countries I have lived in….that is a great feat….
But, until now, much of the relationships have also been a result of my keeping in touch on a regular basis. Except my friends from home, and several European friends.
This year, is truly a year to see everything in light. Four of my students from Sweden have become like a family. The best thing is that we are all on different continents…and have been for the last 2-3 years….Yet we connect at least once a month.
These kids are much younger, but we connect to talk about life and philosophy…..--
That philosophy---the light---that is going to be my guiding light this year. And this year is also going to be a year of balancing between 'pondering and practice'.
I woke up this morning with a resolution that this year…..has to see much more commitment ----on certain areas of my life.
And sort out wheat from chaff. But the trick is to do it with love and grace.
Working on it---
I wish you all a new beginning…..a resolute heart…that recognizes love in everything that surrounds us….
May the light of the season, lead your thoughts and decision making!!
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