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Friday, February 26, 2021

Dyeing Silk

Continuing with the theme o  Thailand, let us look at some color pics...First published on January 1, 2015, --here it is again.  Also partly because I have recently discovered two vloggers who are quite popular for documenting their 'country life'.  Please check these out. PS: I know neither of them, but want to share their work.  Absolutely delightful. 

As for this post, its a sweet reminder of my love for Asia and its colors.  

Thailand, 2012

Thailand, 2012

Dear Readers:  Its been busy, and to sit and think has been hard, since my day job requires me to read and write extensively.  So to catch up, there will be several images, that should have gone up a while ago anyway.  So the above pictures are from 2012, taken in Bangkok, Thailand.  I love the colours of Asia, but another thing that Asia is famous for is silk.  Here you see a man stirring the cauldron, that is used to dye silk. The natural color of silk is off white.  Often Khadi (handmade) silk in India or Tussar silk usually keeps the fine lumps of thread in the material to give it a raw look. In all other cases silk is smoothened to give a more shiny look, which is how it is often known outside of Asia.  Like Gold, Silk is both the produced and consumed in the largest amount in Asia. 

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