In Search of a Home

Welcome!! Swagat, Dumela, Valkommen, Jee Aayan Noo, Tashreef, Bula, Swasdee, Bienvenido, Tashi Delek. Thanks for joining me......

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Urgent: Best Decade Ever Mel Robbins

Once again folks, I had deleted last year's post....

Join, and make your dreams come true...

Here it is again....


Folks, if you have not heard of this, I think this is going to be great.  We are one week in already. I am myself behind, butt wanted to share it with you all.  JOIN TODAY!!  JOIN NOW!!  Just 3 more weeks, but it might lead you to something interesting.......


  1. Thank you for posting this! I woke mid night as I often do with my thoughts racing, mind full of worry. I began filtering through my overstuffed inbox and eagerly followed the li to your blog. Reading your post, looking at the images has always been a pleasure... Anyway, I became curious about this post and followed the link. I'm going to do this! I have already put one suggestion into action. Curious and excited to see what this leads to. Thank you! feeling energized and optimistic.

  2. Oh that makes soooo happy!! Do share your experiences, I will share more like these, as I have taken some of these courses. Also do share which country are you in (if you feel comfortable, no worries if you do not wish to). And for the mind, know it races ahead of us, for no reason, it worries for things that may never happen It needs to be taught of the joys that we have in the present. We can start with noticing beauty of a flower, especially in winters!! Wishing you the best. Btw, I do not check the blog or comments often, but did so on the spur of a moment....must be telepathy. May you have the best year, the best decade ever!!
