In Search of a Home

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Amma's Gift

Here is a story by a fellow blogger. Amma's gift. I had chanced upon her blog where she mentions a movie I have been looking for, for ages--Papeeha.

She writes so well and clearly that I could not stop reading.

And after having read a few of the entries I sent her an email. We exchanged a few emails and I became a follower of her blog. Meaning an update of her blog shoes on my dashboard in my blog. So, when I opened to read her latest story, which was also published in the Deccan Herald, I had to smile a knowing smile as it had my name in it.

I sent her another email asking her if our email exchange had anything to do with it. Well, she said that she wrote the story shortly after our email exchange. And the name just 'popped up' or stuck in her head.

I do like story and not just because it has my name in it. But because the girl who shares my name is a caring, sensitive girl who loves through her actions. Also, the word Aajii reminded me of Fiji. I had never heard that word until I went to the Pacific. Aajii was the Fiji Hindi word used by Indo-Fijians. The word that means grandmother, must be from other parts of India, because we, in the North were only used to Daadi (paternal grandmother) and Naani (maternal grandmother).

The story also reminds me of a friend who was writing a film script sometime ago and asked me if she could use my name in the movie. Sure, I said.

Then she sent me the description of the character who would bear my name. *She is a wild girl, who sells hands free cell phones, loves heavy metal and has a thing for bad men.*

Surely, there were some dissimilarities between the character and I. I hope my friends agree!!

Please read Amma's Gift!!

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