In Search of a Home

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Friday, October 1, 2021

Apples of India

First published on December 12 of it is again...Apples and autumn are synomous.  Apple cider, apple pies, apple crumble, apple crisp.....

Wishing you a bright autumn with all the warmth that apples bring....and don't forget cinnamon and cloves

My first semester in the US, our Photography teacher took us to a Pennsylvania farm.  It was an amazing experience.  There are a few stories from that day --that will come out pouring at some point.  But what I do remember is that it was a beautiful day.  The kind you get in Pennsylvania autumn.  Only in Pennsylvania.  It is not that cold yet, in late September, and for some reason sun is brighter than many days of summer. 

I spent the whole day with a young ten year old. I still have half a post written to him but have not been able to finish--for years.  I still remember his face, and how beautifully we spent an entire day chatting about life and learning.  

Sometime during that day I remember our teacher Mrs. B, asking us 'Had you ever seen an apple before?'

Strange question, i thought. Apples were in abundance.  Always a part of our fruit salad with spices.  often a part of fruit cream that we made often in summers.  May be they were not as big and as varied as in the US.  

However, only a few hours north of Delhi, where I grew up, one can have a pick of whichever apple they want.

How I wish, I had this picture to show her, which one would you pick?

Mine, red or yellow to eat raw, green to juice or make apple sauce out of, and all of these mixed for apple pies!!

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