In Search of a Home

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Friday, November 20, 2020

Goodness is What continues


People who are good remain good.  Continue to be good, no matter what.  One thing about Sweden I love is its inherent quality of belief in duty.  People are generally honest, and are innately content.  May be because of its harsh climate, may be because of its socialist mindset, but people believe in and support policies that somehow create equality.  State takes care of everything so not very many opportunities to volunteer.  But guess what? People have imbibed the values and volunteer and work without recognition. 

Found this man picking garbage on a regular, but not very used pathway that leads to a forest on one side and to a shopping area on the other. When I asked him if he belonged to any organisation, 'Nope, just retired and do this as I go for my morning walk.'

Made my day. Took a pic after I spoke with him and asked for permission. 

Then asked if I could share his name on my blog.

"Naaa, he said, the pic is fine.  Needed no recognition, was friendly enough to talk to you--and then...left a gift of a smile and a good deed.

See what I mean, about an inherent idea of a duty, and no need for recognition?!


  1. Its good to see those values. It makes me think that culture is still a strong maker of character along with family and possibly genetics?

  2. Yes Pat, surely. I agree. I think it takes a while to develop this culture and if not nurtured can be lost asa well. But these are the values that I do love about Sweden.
